Novela Sin Fin 1
Etiquetas: Novela sin fin
Permanecí absorto a la troncha mirada,
Enclaustrado en el mundo de los finales.
Te miré con odio de lo alto, pues te amaba,
Pero tú jamás viste a mi roído mi corazón…
¿Qué podía hacer allí en el terror,
En el frío pedregal de mis entrañas,
Entre los soldados del inestable tiempo,
Donde yo habito como un peón…?
¿Qué culpa tenía yo de ser piedra?
Quien me fabricó no pensó que podría amarte.
Quien me hizo no supo que tú nacerías,
Ni que yo, inmóvil, podría encontrarte…
Permanecía absorto al gélido espasmo de tu mirada,
Y en ella sin tener latidos de vida… preferí morir.
Te miré con ira al no saber preguntarte quién eres,
Tú, la mujer que amo y con la que jamás podré huir…
¿Quién podría amar a una gárgola?
Etiquetas: David Acosta , poemas
Quisiera que fuera lunes
Si pudiera elegir un día para amarte, sería el lunes.
Porque me encarnara en viento para besarte
enloquecido por tu cintura y muerto por tu boca
Atrapado en tus ojos, encerrado en tu pecho;
sería viento arremolinado en el silencio
Si pudiera elegir un día para amarte, sería un lunes.
Porque el lunes en verano, el Sur sopla hacia el Panecillo
empujando al viento a esconderse en el olvido.
Enredándome en tu negro cabello y amándote por siempre
enmudeciendo al día cuando te mi miro desde el cielo
¡Dios! Si pudiera tenerte quisiera que fuera el lunes,
porque de a poquito se me escapa la vida.
Frustrado como de escritor miro pasar los días;
enclaustrado en tu inspiración me escapo de ves en cuando
tal cual una cometa, alojada en el cielo para cuidarte como el viento
Antes de irte me arropaste y me diste el abrazo más fuerte que jamás me han dado. Y los monstruos todavía no me han encontrado.
Te cultivé para poder arrancar tus flores y lanzar los pétalos por el inodoro.
Salvar la Rosa
EL anciano, cruzar la autopista sin mirar.
El vehículo, tomar la curva a gran velocidad.
Yo, mirar de lejos el atropellamiento, salvar la rosa que llevaba consigo el anciano.

Etiquetas: Kenny Oñate , microrelato
A man dead by kicks (2nd part)
I come with the second part of the story by Pablo Palacios that I'm translating. The first part is in here: Again, I must say that english is my second language and that if anybody finds a huge and unforgivable mistake, you should please tell me.
The first thing that comes up between the people who work in this, it’s the method. This is very well known for the university students, the normal students, the ones in schools and, in general, all the people that are going to be useful in their lives. There are two methods: deduction and induction (see Aristotle and Bacon).
The first one; I didn’t find the deduction interesting. I have been told that the deduction is a way to investigate that goes from the known thing to the least known. Good method: I confess. But I knew few about the issue and I had to pass the page.
The induction is something wonderful. It goes from the least know to the known… How is it? I can’t remember it quite well… Anyway, who knows about this stuff? If I have said well, this is the method par excellence. When you know few, you have to induce. Induce, man.
Once I was decided, I lighted the pipe and with this terrific weapon of induction in my hand, I was unresolved, without knowing what to do.
“Well, and how do I apply this wonderful method?” I asked myself.
This was the result of not having a depth study in logic! I was going to stay ignorant in the famous deal of the Escobedo and García streets just because of the damn laziness of the first years.
Discouraged, I took the Afternoon Daily, of January the thirteenth –it had never been off my table- and giving my well and full pipe energetic puffs, I started reading again the crime report that is in the beginning. I had to frown, like all man that’s a professional –a deep line in ones forehead is an unmistakable sign of attention!-
Reading, reading, there was a moment in which I was astonished.
Especially in the second to last paragraph, what said “This morning, the Commissioner of the 6th…” was the most wonderful thing. The phrase made my eyes sparkle: “The only thing that was known, by an accidental fact, is that the dead was a vicious” And I, by a secret force of intuition, that you can not understand, read like this: HE WAS A VISCIOUS, with incredibly big letters.
I think it was an Astartean revelation. The only point I could care about since then was to prove what kind of bad habit the Ramirez death had. Intuitively I had found out that he was… No, I don’t say it so I won’t turn the ladies against his memory.
And what I knew intuitively, I had to check with reason and, if it was possible, with evidence.
For this, I went to the Commissioner of the 6th, who could give me the revealing facts. The police authority hadn’t cleared up anything. He almost couldn’t understand what I wanted. After several explanations he said to me, while he scratched his frown.
“Oh!, yes… The business of the Ramirez guy… Look we were already discouraged about that crime. The thing was dark! But, take a sit; why don’t you sit sir? … As you already know, they brought him at about one and after two hours he died… the miserable. They took him two pictures, because of a case… some debt… Are you a relative of his? I give you my condolences, my most sincere…
“No sir” I said to him outraged “I haven’t even met him. I am a man that’s interested in justice” How the Commissioner would be tormented! I hurried so I wouldn’t inhibit him anymore.
“You have said two photographs. If I could see them…
The official opened a drawer in his desk and he rummaged between his papers. Then, he opened another one and rummaged another papers. In a third one, he finally found them.
And he was very nice:
“You are interested in this matter. Take them with you gentleman… But of course, you need to give them back” he said moving his head up and down at the same time he muttered the last syllables and showing me, happily, his yellow teeth.
I thanked him infinitely, saving the photographs.
“And tell me, mister Commissioner, couldn’t you remember any particular sign of the dead. Some fact that could reveal something?
“A sign… a fact… No, no. Well, he was completely vulgar man. Like of my height” The Commissioner was a bit tall “fat. But a particular sign… no… not one that I remember, at least”
As the Commissioner couldn’t say anything else, I went out thanking him again.
I went fast to my house, locked myself on the studio, lighted my pipe and took out the photographs which with that fact of the newspaper were wonderful documents.
I was sure I couldn’t get any others and my resolution was to work with what fortune had put in my hands.
It will continue...
Etiquetas: A man dead by kicks , Pablo Palacios , Un hombre muerto a puntapiés
Una Dosis de Poesía Con Periodicidad Incierta
Lucrecia Maldonado es una narradora y poetisa ecuatoriana. En 2007 obtuvo el Premio Internacional de Literatura Juvenil Libresa por la colección de cuentos Bip-Bip.
porque para qué
porque cómo
porque cuándo
porque dónde
porque nunca
porque quiénes
porque ni modo

Etiquetas: Lucrecia Maldonado , poemas
Premiación del primer concurso de microrelato NienPintura
Etiquetas: Cocursos literarios
Tecnologías de la información al Servicio de la Literatura
Tener un blog ya es de por sí aprovechar la herramienta "Blogger" de Google para compartir información rápidamente con el resto del mundo. Existen en la red muchos blogs dedicados a la difusión de la obra de nuevos escritores y a impulsar la actividad literaria, el gusto por leer o el gusto por escribir.
Otra aplicación es el uso de twitter para creación literaria colectiva, cómo fue el caso de José Cohen (Jcohen77 en twitter) quien redactó los primeros cuatro tweets del cuento "El Espejo" que sería continuado en el quinto Tweet por Berenice Silva. El cuento tuvo una extensión de 10 tweets en los que Cohen invitaba a cualquier usuario a continuar el relato.

Es así como surge una nueva iniciativa NiEnPiNtUrEsCa de la que invitamos a todos a participar. Consiste en escribir colectivamente una novela sin fin utilizando twitter.
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